In Preproduction
The Mature Comic & Animated Series - Bryan's Life's Work.
The Spooky WebComicStrip, Activity StoryBook & Clothing.
Bryan is a Master of the Heaviest of Raw Noise & 41 albums of Dynamic Music.
In Production
The 50 hour Video Course on EFFECTIVE Comic Creation.
The Official Company of Bryan Dass - Corporate Advertising Art & Video Services.
In Production
Titled 'Problem Solving Toxic Mentalities' .

Welcome To
The official site of the artist Bryan Dass.

I'm Bryan Dass. I am an Artist, businessman, & teacher.
I created RevFree, the independent mature comic & soon to be animated series.
I was born to make this & it took 10 years of work to write the script.
I'm also the creator of the Badass Comic Creation Class,
which details in a 50 hour video course, the Sweet Science behind EFFECTIVE comic creation.
My music is some of the most raw, heavy music on the planet & a deeply immersive experimental experience.
I have achieved 41 albums, 309 songs & over 21 hours of this music.
I am also the creator of Old Man Joe, the kids web-comic-strip & activity book, that is weird & fun.
TrinEvolve Studios Ltd is my official company, where I've been a one stop shop for advertising art & video services.
I am extremely proud of my work there and you can view its Company Video at the TrinEvolve link above.
I worked in that industry, first as employee, then as small business owner, for over 10 years.
It was non-stop Sacrifice where every ounce of energy was put into HARD WORK.
That harsh experience helped me to learn many needed lessons about industry, business, people and LIFE.
This led me to follow a new path that was more focused on my independent art as a business as opposed to serving corporate.
I still do advertising art work & small projects for companies every now and then, but my focus now is my Independent Art as a business.
Copyright © 2022 Bryan Dass TrinEvolve Studios Ltd. All Rights Reserved.